Doc Love Club Membership

Before you start – do you have Doc’s Book, THE SYSTEM?  The Club is great but you need that book to begin with – get a discount here

Ready for the Club? Use the form below to get great weekly dating advice not available anywhere else on the planet.

Not ready? That’s cool!  Get a Sample Week Here (no credit card/email required) then come back!

Full Doc Love Club Members get access to hundreds of hours of archived audio and hundreds of articles with fresh content released WEEKLY!

It’s truly the best content offered for dating women and relationships and it’s pretty unlikely you’ll ever be confused by ANYTHING that she throws at you in the dating scene after getting this vast amount of information into your brain!

Isn’t it worth the cost of a couple fast food lunches a month to get this?  You don’t need the junk food –  YOU NEED MS. RIGHT.  And joining this club will make you that much better at dating.

(Oh, you can cancel anytime. We do not make this difficult.  If you would rather spend your money on the more expensive golf balls with the extra $10 a month then who are we to argue? However, you’re here so you must want to golf AND have Ms. Right. Buy the slightly cheaper golf balls and have a great lady too. Win win!)

When you become a part of this community, you’ll understand why Doc always told you:  “Doc Love Members, we love ya!”

NOTE: You should be getting weekly emails from the club after you join. If you aren’t, let know and Jeff will add you ASAP!

BONUS – EVERY MEMBER GETS DOC’S INTERVIEWS WITH BEAUTIFUL WOMEN FREE AFTER SIGNING UP – the same interview technique Doc used to build his materials is on full display – remember Doc is the man that asked women why they chose one man versus another (after you login you’ll scroll all the way down on your show page to get that free interview series).